Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The bottom says it all

Family Pic that everybody looks happy about

Coop's class at his Christmas party

Cooper telling santa everything that he wants, or should I say, everything he already has

Evie with santa, not sure what to think
I know Christmas has been long gone, but I have not gotten a chance to share all of my pics. So, I will post a few from all of our festivities. I hope everyone is having a good new year.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Yes, we have been alive since the big hunt, but we have not had time to post. We have had Thanksgiving, and we have started preparing for Christmas. The pics below are from our visit to the Christmas tree farm for our beloved tree. We have been going to the same place since before Cooper was born, and Andy would not have it any other way.

Andy tagging our tree.

Evie thinks that Myles is just GREAT! If that doesn't scare me, I am not sure what should!

Evie needed a nap.

These are few pics from Thanksgiving day. Mom wanted a picture of us all, but as you will see below, all she got was a lot of people not wanting to act right plus Evie really needing a nap by this time.

Evie and her Daddy

This is for Jaci, because I know she reads my blog, and she should enjoy this one. Jaci, you really need to work with him!!! I am not sure about this face, I think only Mott can love this.
This is my little Indian at his Thanksgiving program. He and another little girl had the good morning and welcome parts. Then, the class sang several songs, said their Indian names individually, and answered questions regarding the Pilgrims. He did great, and of course, he was too funny.

Cooper had a big fan club at the program, but my other pictures of them only showed their behinds when they were hugging him. So, to keep me from getting hurt, I will only be able to post this one. He cried when everybody had to leave. He never does this, but I think he was only crying because Myles was leaving.
At home, the day of the program.
Evie has another tooth coming in on bottom, and she is too cute when she smiles and the other one shines. Cooper is practicing being good; as he is counting down the days until Christmas. He generally replies to being good as "sometimes I am good and sometimes I am bad." He is being honest, at least. He has a crazy list for Christmas. One of the items he wants is a turtle van. I told him that he has one, but after a little understanding, he wants one for me to drive. He wants a van for me to drive him around in and pretend like we are the turtles. I hate to break his heart, but it is no way I am driving a van or a mini-van. I will post more pics soon because we have too many cute Christmas outfits for Evie not too share with everyone. I will also post pictures of their own trees in their rooms. Cooper has always had one, so we had to get Evie one too. Have a good day!

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Big Hunt!!!

Cooper, Andy and I went hunting together this past weekend. I am really not, at all, into that sort of thing, but my wonderful hubby put me on the spot in front of Cooper. He told Cooper that it would be so fun for Mom to come sit in the stand with us. Cooper really wanted me to come, so I did. He also wanted me to stay the night, but I had to draw the line somewhere. I have heard of the rat population at the camp.
My Little Hunter all geared up. Please take note of the bottle in his hand and see below!!!!!

Playing before the big hunt.

Please note our new necklace in the pic below. He has been having a fit for a boy necklace, so of course he got one. He will not hardly take it off.

Layers and layers of clothes.

We played a little go fish in the stand, read spider-man books, played with the hulk, counted, and most importantly, read US Weekly. Andy told him to try to get out of the way from the camera, so I could not have proof, but he did not understand. He and Andy were picking out the prettiest girls on each page.

Cooper also had to "use it" really, really bad. The bottle from above almost went over.
We are not very good at "do it yourself" pictures.
Cooper had no trouble getting up in the stand.

Mom, on the other hand, forgot that she was scared of heights. I keep trying to tell Andy that I did not want to go up, but I was trying not to say it in front of Coop. I some how did not think about it until I started climbing the ladder, but I generally do not even climb a ladder. I did okay, once inside, but I was not extremely excited over the whole thing. I had just had to sit low and not look out the windows. Andy thought it was funny, and he was snapping my photo. Cooper was telling me to "come on, Mom, don't be scared." Thanks Cooper!!!

Yes, those are Cooper's underwear on my head. He wanted me to have orange on my head like him, and that was the only thing he could find.

My baby, probably being a smarty pants.
It was really cold by dark, so we had to bundle up. I had on 4 pair of pants, four shirts, three pair of socks, a jacket, and boots.
I thought this was really sweet. It is hard to see on the blog, but they were walking out of the woods holding hands. They were of course talking.

Me and my baby. He was trying to give me some sugar.

A long day of hunting really tires a boy out. I know he is hard to see with all of the camo.

We had a fun time, but it will probably be a little while before I do it again. We celebrated Mom's birthday last week. I have some pics from her party that I will post later. She will not like the pics of her on her, but I can handle her, don't worry. Love you tons Mom, you are the best.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween 2008

My last post was not supposed to look like that, but Mr. blogger did something to my post, pics, and comments, SORRY.
Me and my Ghost Rider and my Fairy Princess Flower. A lot of people thought she was a flower, so we just added it to our list of names.

The Fairy Princess Flower getting ready for the Halloween party. We had the spandex stretched to the max, and she was too cute.

The Ghost Rider was of course ready for the Halloween party. I am not sure why he selected this as his costume, but I could not change his mind. We had about five other costumes that he could have worn, but he was stuck on Ghost Rider. I think Paw Dave let him watch the movie.

My little Halloween cuties.

The kidos got to load up on a trailer and go trick or treating in the neighborhood. Andy went with Coop, but Evie and I stayed back at the party house for some girl talk.

Cooper and some friends ready to get some candy.

All the kids and parents loading up to go trick or treating.

Evie casting a spell on her Daddy.

She already has a spell on her Mommy.

Sitting pretty.

This is a pic from last weeks party that Cooper had. We had a big hay ride last weekend with lots of fun for the kids.

Last week's party had lots of decorations that were really scary. Cooper thought they were great, and they had adults dressed up to try and scare the kids.

Cooper was really wanting to get in the pool.

Cooper's trik-a-thon last weekend. We had our bike decorated for St. Jude. Coop had more people at the football game to see him ride a bick, than most of the players had at the game to see them play. We have all seen him ride a bick before, but he thinks and we think everything he does is such a big deal. He wants everybody to see him.

Daddy and Evie at the football game in pic below. I left for Canton with a friend Saturday morning really, really early, and Andy had the kidos by himself Saturday and Sunday. This is the first time EVER, that he has had both over night without me. Other than going to the camp since Coop has gotten older, Andy has only keep him overnight one other time. He called my mom to come rescue him the only other time he had Coop when he was a baby overnight, and of course she was at our house at 6 am that next morning to help him. My mom felt sorry for him this time also, of course, so, she and Dad took Cooper pretty much all day Saturday with them. Andy and Evie had a lot bonding time Saturday and Sunday. I think they actually get along lots better after their time together. She may actually become a Daddy's girl, HE HOPES. Even Mott mentioned that Evie smiled and wanted him Monday when he came in from work.
Cooper has made E jealous of his "social life" lately. E thinks his life is way more exciting than hers, and he is only 4. Cooper had two big Halloween parties in the past two weekends, he went to Tech's football game and homecoming festivities Saturday. He got to see Myles' girlfriend on the court, and he got to hang with Myles and his buddies at the game. He also got to spend the day with Paw Dave and Maw Trish on Saturday and go to Toys-R-Us. Then, Sunday he had a movie date with Nar-Nar. They went to see HSM 3, and yes, he has been chanting "Go Wildcats," since the movie. He had a field trip Monday at school, that he enjoyed. Evie has her six month check up on Friday, and she and I are going to spend the day together. She is growing so fast. She has such a funny little personality. She also has a big temper. Anyone that knows me and Andy will agree with me that she gets it from him. HAHAHA!!!